My office is located in Woodbury, MN, and I am available for co-mediation for couples in the east St. Paul metro, St. Croix County and Washington County, as well as the specific cities of Afton, Hudson, Lake Elmo, Lakeland, Maplewood, North St. Paul, Oakdale, Stillwater, St. Croix Valley, St. Paul, and Woodbury.
Divorce & Civil Co-Mediation Services
Every good leader assembles a team of the most knowledgeable people they know. You’ve heard the phrase, “if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” Well the same approach can be taken with divorce mediation as well. Co-mediation is a team approach, where couples will work with a group of professionals they hire to help them mediate their divorce. Co-mediators can help couples look at the financial aspects of their divorce realistically, and look at parenting time, custody, and support issues as well.
Just like standard divorce mediation, co-mediators will try to foster an atmosphere of communication and compromise so that each party can feel empowered and respected. We want you to feel that you can trust us, and that we are listening to you. Listening, trust, and respect are the easiest and fastest ways to resolving a divorce. When couples have these at their disposal, they’ll look at courtroom dramas just as they are: fiction.