Life after Divorce Parenting

divorce mediation family mediation mediated divorce Dec 18, 2018
Life after Divorce Parenting

Partnering with a strong, professional, and qualified divorce mediator like Lesa Koski will help you feel a sense of relief during and after a divorce.  Divorce is widely regarded as one of life’s most stressful experiences.  The impact of divorce is not unlike the death of a loved-one, the loss of a job, or experiencing a prolonged illness.  There is no escaping the fact that divorce is difficult, so when the ink is dry on the divorce documents, it is natural to feel a sense of relief.  If you and your former spouse share children, you will continue to have contact as it relates to your children, so you will need new strategies for co-parenting after divorce.

Experienced Mediator Can Help During or After Divorce

Lesa Koski offers more specialized mediation services for divorced couples who have children.  The impact that divorce has on parents is immediate.  But the impact that divorce has on children is the most important aspect of divorce that must be addressed.  If you have been through a divorce and you are finding that there are remaining issues, or new issues, that exist between you and your former spouse, Lesa Koski can help you.

The end of a marriage is also the beginning of your next chapter in life.  Life after divorce can prove to be comparably challenging for parents if they are not prepared, or if they do not have a source of support and guidance when those issues come to light.  Fortunately, Lesa Koski’s divorce mediation service includes help for parents after they finalize their divorce.

Children are resilient, and it is possible for their parents’ divorce to provide them with valuable life lessons that lead to adaptability and greater resiliency.  But the fact is, we never wish these lessons on our kids.  Life after divorce for parents who are not prepared for the stress that can be introduced into their children’s lives can cause difficulty.  With the help of a trusted resource like Lesa Koski, however, the post-divorce work you do can provide necessary support and resources for you and your children to solve issues that come up well after your marriage ends.

Post-Divorce Mediation Services

Lesa Koski has the experience, expertise, empathy and communication skills to help you address virtually any issue that arises in your post-divorce life.  By helping you and your former spouse to find workable resolution to the issues that are affecting your kids, your kids have the best possible chance of adjusting in a way that gives them strength to deal more effectively with the stuff life will throw at them.  If you worked with a mediator to finalize your divorce, you are already familiar with the goals of divorce mediation. However, if you have not worked with a divorce mediator before, Lesa Koski will provide expert help during and after your divorce is final.

To schedule a time to meet with Lesa, call (651) 214-5057 or email [email protected].