Hudson Divorce Attorney
Jan 11, 2018
Family law can be a very complicated and sensitive matter, and when you are seeking an attorney to help you, you want to choose someone you trust. Lesa Koski is a Wisconsin family lawyer that is here to serve her community of Hudson Wisconsin and work with you in a compassionate and professional manner.
With a B.S. in communication, a M.S. in Health and Human Services and a law degree from William Mitchell, Lesa is hardworking, and is dedicated to serving her clients with the utmost respect and quick and smooth communication. Located in Bayport, she is happy to serve the Twin Cities Metro area, Stillwater, Woodbury and surrounding areas. With a 30 minute free consultation, she can help point you in the right direction and either serve as your mediator or your family lawyer.
The majority of family law cases come about as a divorce. Family law attorneys help their clients file for separation or divorce, alimony, and child custody, visitation, and support. Spouses married a short time can often settle with an annulment. Most people understand that hiring a skilled attorney will provide an advantage. An attorney can find assets and/or income the other party is trying to hide, help settle arguments over child custody and child support, attorney representation is just as crucial in uncontested cases. Without it, a party is vulnerable and can unknowingly waive important legal rights. If you are going through a complicated divorce that involves kids, finances and you believe the other party is trying to hide income, or is unwilling to negotiate hiring an attorney is highly beneficial.
Wisconsin family law is a specialized area of state law involving complicated legal issues that are usually emotional. Lesa represents Wisconsin residents who are going through difficult times. As a client of our firm, you will benefit from our attorneys’ dedication to bringing family law cases to the best conclusions through negotiations. Individuals dealing with family law issues often arrive in our office under a great deal of stress.
Lesa is based out of Bayford Minnesota and serves the greater Hudson area. She has dedicated her life to this practice and is ready to contribute her skills to you. Lesa possesses the skills and credentials to work as both a Neutral mediator and an attorney, but she cannot work as both for a client, but can recommend her clients another reputable source to play one or the other role. If you have any questions regarding Family, Elder Law or Mediation please contact Lesa. She offers a free 30-minute consultation and will meet you at her office overlooking the scenic St. Croix River.