How Does a Divorce Work With a Child in Minnesota?

child custody civil mediation divorce mediation Jun 05, 2018
How Does a Divorce Work With a Child in Minnesota?

If you see divorce on the horizon and have children, it is important to understand that you are not alone. Millions of children under the age of 18 live in a single-parent household. Working with MN Family Law Attorney, Lesa Koski can give you the confidence that your rights are being protected and that the welfare of your children are a high priority. Your family situation may be best resolved with an agreement for temporary custody, joint custody or primary physical custody of the child/children. Disagreements on child custody, spousal maintenance or child support can be worked out in court or through mediation.

Unbiased Child Custody Rules

Generally speaking, in cases where a child has lived in Minnesota for at least six consecutive months, the MN court system can have final say in child custody matters. Minnesota laws related to custody of a minor child should not be biased or discriminate based on the sex of the parent. There are no hard rules on whether the mother or father will be awarded custody of the children during or after the divorce. The court attempts to make a decision that is in the best interest of the child.

Types of Child Custody in Minnesota

As you learn more about the way child custody matters are handled in the state of Minnesota, you are likely to hear about two different types of custody. It is not uncommon for each child to have a different custody arrangement than that of other siblings.

  1. Legal Custody of a Minor Child gives an individual the right to decide on issues such as the child’s education, religion and health care matters.
  2. Physical Custody of a Minor Child gives an individual the right to decide on issues such as where the child lives and their daily activities.

Temporary | Joint | Sole | Interstate Custody

Since child custody and parenting time plans are designed to meet the needs of the individual child, varying arrangements can be made.

  • Temporary Orders for Child Custody may be arranged before or after one party files for divorce.
  • Joint Legal Custody results in shared responsibility and participation in decisions regarding the child.
  • Joint Physical Custody results in an arrangement where the child resides on a schedule between both parents.
  • Sole Legal and/or Physical Custody
  • Interstate Custody Arrangements can happen in cases where one parent lives in Minnesota and the other resides in another state.

MN Family Law Attorney or Divorce Mediator

As an experienced Divorce Mediator and a Family Law Attorney, Lesa provides expertise in working with parents who want to ensure the best solution for their child and themselves. Lesa utilizes her deep understanding of Minnesota divorce and child custody laws as she provides Divorce Mediation or Legal Representation. She can work with you either as a Divorce Mediator or as a Family Law Attorney depending on your preference.

Contact Lesa Koski at (651) 214-5057 or [email protected]