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Family Law

family law family mediation qualified neutral Aug 01, 2017
Family Law St Paul, MN

As is true with many aspects of law, there are a host of misconceptions related to Family Law. When many people consider family law, they naturally tend to concentrate first on the divorce process. There is a common misconception that divorce proceedings are always long, protracted, and bitter court battles. That simply isn’t true. There need not be a “winner” and a “loser.” Unfortunately, until one has actually experienced a divorce, it is easy to have our perceptions erroneously shaped by the extremes that dominate the information world around us: social media, TV shows, advertising, and others. Sadly, when surfing “the net,” you can sometimes find more inaccurate information than truth. That's where a trusted, experienced attorney like Lesa Koski can be invaluable. Lesa’s practice serves St. Paul, Minnesota and the surrounding areas.  She can clarify the issues quickly and provide calming insight about the realities of family law. Lesa will strive to mitigate the impact of court proceedings so that you can begin the process of getting your life back on track, heal, and finally move forward with your life.

Comprehensive Family Law Support, MN

It is important to know that family law covers more than just divorce proceedings. Lesa Koski’s law practice is also equipped to represent other family members, such as grandparents who have been denied visitation with their grandchildren as a result of a divorce settlement. Family law also includes legal issues surrounding adoption, child abuse, surrogacy, and civil unions. Lesa Koski has more than 15 years years of experience in all aspects of family law. She uses her excellent communication skills, calm temperament, and passion for her work to help families solve the most complex legal problems.

Family Lawyer Or Mediator?

When a couple has been married for even a short period of time, it means that property has been combined, debts have been incurred together, and the lives of the two people who are married have been complicated by common emotions, friends, and other aspects of life that tie people together. Untying the knots of a relationship requires the kind of expertise that Lesa Koski possesses. And, Lesa’s training and experience allow her to serve the role of your family lawyer or your divorce mediator, but not both. If you choose to work with Lesa as your family lawyer, she cannot also work as your mediator, and if you choose to hire her to mediate your divorce, she will work with other area family attorneys to finalize important aspects of the divorce once mediation is complete.

For more information about the family law or mediation services Lesa provides, call her directly at (651) 214-5057 or email her at [email protected].