Elder Law Services Stillwater & Woodbury MN
Jan 20, 2017
Lesa Koski is a dedicated, passionate, and caring women that has devoted her life in order to help bless and bring great service to Stillwater & Woodbury MN. Lesa has an amazing reputation as a result of her previous work she has done, and how personable, articulate and hardworking she is. Lesa has been practicing law for nearly 15 years and offers many services as a result of her ability to be well-rounded. Being kind, considerate and capable is the way Lesa Koski serves her clients. Lesa Elder offers many different services such as medical assistance planning, conservator-ships, health care directives, powers of attorney, guardianship’s, simple estate planning.
Divorce Attorney Stillwater Minnesota
Divorce mediation is often necessary to seek when going through a separation. Oftentimes it is difficult to resolve issues on your own, and that is Koski law is here to help aid couples in moving forward with their lives as soon as possible. Being an open-minded and nonjudgmental person, Lesa is a professional through and through and is here to help divorcing couples.
Experienced Divorce Mediator Woodbury
Lesa is a state qualified neutral, who became intrigued by mediation during her journey in law school more than 15 years ago. Lesa understands the importance of communication and makes sure that she not only communicates precisely and timely with her clients, but also understands the importance of communication between her clients and will work with them in order to successfully mediate between them. When people can communicate and are able to compromise problems can be resolved and each party can move forward.
Divorce Mediator or Family Lawyer
Lesa specializes in both family law and divorce mediation, but will never cross the line and play both roles with her clients. When acting as a mediator, she will work closely with other local attorneys to achieve a successful resolution. It is important to not play both roles because of the ethical conflict.
With a B.S. in communication, a M.S. in Health and Human Services and a law degree from William Mitchell, Lesa is hardworking, and is dedicated to serving her clients with the utmost respect and quick and smooth communication. Located in Bayport, she is happy to serve the Twin Cities Metro area, Stillwater, Woodbury and surrounding areas. With a 30 minute free consultation, she can help point you in the right direction and either serve as your mediator or your family lawyer.