Elder Law Services Stillwater
Apr 07, 2017
Lesa Koski, Esq., is a trusted, experienced and accomplished lawyer who has worked in the area of elder law for more than 15 years. Her practice is based in Stillwater, Minnesota, though she serves the people of many Minnesota communities, including Hudson and Woodbury. Her goal is to provide all of her clients with compassionate and competent support through important life transitions.
Elder Law Support
When people enter their golden years, new issues can become more relevant and should not be neglected. Lesa Koski provides expert help with the following aspects of Elder Law:
● Medical Assistance planning: As people grow older, it is possible that health concerns will become more acute. Planning ahead requires specific training and knowledge of the medical systems that are in charge of caring for our elderly relatives. Lesa Koski is well versed in the many components of elder law that become more necessary as we get older.
● Health Care Directives: Of all the rights we possess as human beings, arguably the most basic is the control we possess over how we will be treated when our health problems prevent us from being able to participate in decision making. It is therefore necessary to make our wishes known before health issues prevent us from doing so. Lesa Koski creates Health Care Directives that help individuals whose health may one day prevent them from participating directly in their care.
● Conservatorships: This is a legal concept by which a guardian or a protector is appointed by a judge to manage the financial affairs and/or daily life of another due to physical or mental limitations, or old age. Lesa Koski can help create a conservatorship that provides clarity about how to manage the estate of an individual who is no longer able to do so.
● Powers of Attorney: When elderly people are no longer able to make responsible decisions for themselves, it can become necessary to shift this responsibility over to a trusted other who has the best interests of the affected individual in mind.
● Guardianships: When an elderly person is no longer able to be responsible for their own safety and well-being, it is often necessary to issue a writ of guardianship to a trusted family member or friend.
● Simple Estate Planning: What happens to an elderly person’s belongings—including personal possessions, financial holdings, and other aspects of ownership—can create confusion and conflict when not properly planned for. Estate Planning helps determine what will happen to the possessions of an elderly person later in life and after. Lesa Koski cares about people and works to provide reassurance as to how their possessions will be treated when it comes time to resolve issues related to their estate.
Compassionate and Competent Elder Law Services
Lesa Koski is not simply an expert in Elder Law; she is a professional who cares about people, and possesses a special soft spot for older people who want to feel peace about their lives as they enter the twilight of their lives. She has a beautiful office in Stillwater, but is also happy to make house calls. Call her at 651-214-5057 for more information.