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How do you Do Divorce Different in Minnesota?

divorce divorce and dating divorce coach divorce mediation Jan 04, 2023
Do Divorce Different Divorce Mediator Minnesota

Going through a Minnesota divorce will be difficult, but what if you take a different approach and divorce differently? Showing up for yourself and looking at this time as an opportunity instead of a disaster can create a big difference in how you feel at the end of the divorce. Here are four ways to face your divorce from a more empowering place. 



  • Focus on Forgiveness: When you hold on to resentment and are unforgiving of your ex-spouse, it can negatively prevent you from moving forward. This lack of forgiveness weighs down on you and keeps you in a place of feeling trapped. Instead, forgive the situation you went through so that you can move forward feeling free. 
  • Work on your Love Life: To create a healthy future relationship, it’s essential to work on your love life now. Reflect on what went well in your relationship, what didn’t go well, who you are as an individual and a partner, what is important to you, etc. This will create clarity for the next relationship in your life. 
  • Heal Trauma and Wounds: A divorce is a perfect opportunity to work on trauma that you experienced and to note the wounds you are coming out of the divorce with. Hire a therapist to assist in working through the negativity that you are leaving the divorce with. Get clear on what areas you need to do focused self-care on. Healing these areas will also help with future relationships. 
  • Seek Support: Find support groups, reach out to friends and family members who have gone through a divorce, and find someone who will be by your side whom you can confide in. It's critical to have support, so you know you are not alone in what you are going through. 



Working on these four areas will help you heal and clarify what you want from your life and a future partner. Divorce can be the opportunity to create the future life of dreams. Take this opportunity to grow and reflect. Divorce can be a gift. 

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