Divorce Mediator Serving Eastern MN and Western WI

civil mediation divorce mediation family law Sep 21, 2017
Divorce Mediator Serving Eastern MN and Western WI

Lesa Koski is a competent and highly committed Divorce Mediator who serves the people of eastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin. If you are in the midst of a divorce, especially if you have children, you will want to seek the assistance of Lesa Koski. Lesa Koski has earned a strong reputation for her work in divorce mediation. One area of focus of Lesa Koski’s practice is post-divorce support. Divorce changes the nature of your relationship with your spouse, but it does not end the relationship. Problems can persist following a divorce, especially when children are involved. The kind of support offered by Lesa Koski can go a long way toward helping you respond healthily to the stress of your divorce and the changing nature of your relationship with your former spouse. This service provided by Lesa Koski is designed to help you gain greater insight and empowerment regarding the many feelings and issues that accompany and follow divorce.

Post-Divorce Mediation

If you are in need of the help of a Divorce Mediator, it’s probably also true that you want to improve your current parenting circumstances. Lesa Koski can help you identify the patterns in your circumstances that are difficult for you to see because of your closeness to them. Lesa can help you feel more confident about your parenting skills. Even considering using a Divorce Mediator is a sign that you want to maximize your response to the divorce and to help your children adjust as quickly as possible. Lesa Koski’s support will give you guidance as you work to make the most positive changes in your life for you and your children.

Improve Communication Through Mediation

Most divorcing couples struggle with good communication. Even in the most amicable of divorces, the couple will usually cite some sort of communication issues as having contributed to their decision to divorce. Many divorced couples continue to struggle with their communication after the divorce, which is why so many people continue to fight with their exes even after the divorce is apparently settled. The help of a post-divorce mediator can have the effect of improving communication between the divorced couple by encouraging better communication with at least one of the two people.

Lesa Koski understands that no two people are alike and therefore no two divorces are exactly the same. When you experience this kind of situation with Lesa Koski, you will very likely feel much more comfortable right away. Feeling at ease will help you feel more confident in your abilities as a parent and in your capacity to regain your life on your terms. Call Lesa at (651) 214-5057 for more information.