Divorce Mediation Expert
Feb 06, 2018
When you’re going through a divorce, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Not only are there many other couples who are struggling through a divorce, there are resources available to you that can help make your divorce easier for everyone involved. If you’re looking for a divorce mediator in Hudson, Afton, Woodbury, or Stillwater, MN, Lesa Koski may be the professional mediator you need. With years of experience offering divorce mediation services to couples who want to avoid the court system and settle their divorce quickly, Lesa can help make sure that you work through your divorce in the way that you want. She’ll walk you through the divorce process, help ensure that you reach a fair divorce agreement, and help solve any complications or conflicts that arise during the mediation process. With Lesa’s help, you’ll be able to look back at your divorce without regrets knowing that you’ve done everything in your power to make it a smooth divorce for you, your partner, and your children.
Benefits of Divorce Mediation
Divorce is messy. We see it everywhere, and it can sometimes be an unavoidable truth. Divorce is emotionally fueled and deals heavily in financial matters, which means that it’s automatically going to create conflict between you and your spouse. If you’d like to minimize conflict during your divorce, divorce mediation is the way to do it. By helping resolve conflict and prevent conflict before it even begins, Lesa will help keep you out of the courtroom, reducing conflict exponentially. By avoiding a courtroom divorce, you’ll also have the benefit of saving a vast sum of money on your divorce. By simply working with a divorce mediation expert to come to an agreement on the different elements of your divorce that you’re having trouble confronting, you can save you and your spouse the time, energy, and money it takes to take a divorce to court. In addition, if you have children with your spouse, a mediated divorce will have much fewer negative effects on your child, ensuring a smoother transition for them as well.
Divorce Mediation Process
When you’re undergoing a divorce, you’ll need to determine a fair division of property, including assets and debts, alimony/spousal support, child custody, and child support. Because each of these issues can be a lot to handle in and of themselves, tackling all of these issues alone with your spouse can seem impossible – and it often is. With a divorce mediator, though, you can work through all of these issues one at a time, covering each issue in a mediation session quickly and calmly. If you’re looking for a divorce mediator in Hudson, Afton, Woodbury, or Stillwater, Minnesota, Lesa Koski is here to help ensure you have the most successful and least conflict-fueled divorce possible. Contact Lesa today at (651) 214-5057 or [email protected], and find out how divorce mediation services can benefit you.