Divorce Coaching Company Near Me

child custody co-parenting mediated divorce Dec 31, 2018
Divorce Coaching Company Near Me

A divorce coach works directly with one member of the divorcing couple to help them navigate the divorce process. A divorce coach will strive to help you with your divorce from start to finish. Your coach will work with you on the issues that you have defined as important. Lesa Koski is an experienced and local divorce coach serving those in the Twin Cities metro and western Wisconsin area. Lesa brings strong communication skills, compassion and experience with all aspects of settling a divorce. Some of the most common issues that are worked on with a divorce coach include:

  • Preparing for mediation sessions or a court date: It is often helpful to know what to expect when you begin mediation or litigation. Your divorce coach can walk you through the process so there will be no surprises.
  • Helping you define and communicate your needs: Defining your goals and developing a strategy for communicating them to your soon to be ex-spouse during mediation sessions is important.
  • Strategize about areas of the divorce settlement where you may be willing to compromise: The foundation of mediation is compromise and you should go into the process ready to compromise on certain issues. You have worked with your coach to define the issues that are most important to you and your former spouse has issues that are just as important to him/her. Finding a balance so that each of you can compromise is critical to the mediation process and the ability to move forward in a healthy way.
  • Developing a plan for moving forward after divorce: It can be extremely difficult to see past the divorce process when you are in the midst of it. Your divorce coach can help you navigate the divorce process and help you make plans for your future. If you share children this can mean co-parenting and getting used to a new life on your own.

Local Divorce Coach

Lesa Koski is a local divorce coach that can help you feel confident and calm during the divorce process. She understands that this can be an extremely stressful time, but she can offer you the personalized support, insight and experience that really make a difference. Her ultimate goal is to help you find peace during this process so that you can finally move forward with your life. For more information about Lesa’s divorce coaching services, call her directly at 651-214-5057 or email [email protected].