Co-Parenting Agreement Mediator

Jul 24, 2018
Co-Parenting Agreement Mediator

For divorced or divorcing parents with children, an important consideration as you navigate this big transition is how to create a successful plan for co-parenting your children. It is not a matter to be taken lightly, and an effective agreement that allows for both parents to feel comfortable and confident can be achieved with the assistance of a qualified, talented, and insightful mediator like Lesa Koski.

If you have children, you certainly understand that your divorce will have a significant impact on the children. Lesa Koski can guide you and your ex through the divorce and co-parenting process and help you minimize the stressful impacts of divorce on your children. Additionally, she can help to maximize the positive things about your relationships to allow your kids to grow and thrive. As you, your ex-spouse and the children go on with life, there will be adjustments that need to be made for the good of not only the kids, but the two of you as well.

Shared Custody or Joint Custody

Co-Parenting is also known as ‘shared custody’ or ‘joint custody.’ A co-parenting plan defines how you and your former spouse will raise your children after the divorce is final. Agreeing on how to co-parent requires cooperation among the adults and strong and open communication. This cooperation provides a strong example for your children to see how conflict can be resolved. A good co-parenting plan encourages better communication between you and your former spouse. Your children provide the links between you and your former spouse, and a co-parenting plan will help you ensure that those links remain strong and healthy, for your kids. Co-parenting continues many years after a divorce is final, so it is important to develop a strong foundation so that you can more easily resolve issues that come up down the road.

Co-Parenting after Divorce

Lesa Koski understands the complex dynamics of divorced relationships. Even when divorces are relatively free of conflict, communication was likely an issue that affected your decision to seek divorce. Lesa Koski can help you and your spouse develop strategies to improve communication for the benefit of your children. A good way of improving communication with your spouse is by examining how you communicate with each other, specifically with regard to making requests versus making demands. Making requests is likely to result in a more cooperative approach to your ongoing communication. It can also help to view your post-divorce relationship as a new relationship, rather than just a continuation of the difficult relationship you had with that person before the divorce.

Co-Parenting Agreement

When you have a draft co-parenting plan in place, you may find yourself in a newly cooperative relationship with your ex. That can feel like a success, which can build upon itself. Soon, you will be able to feel confident about agreeing on such matters as visitation times, homework, doctors’ appointments, and bed times.

You want what is best for your children, and Lesa Koski can help you achieve that, even after divorce. To set up a free consultation, call her directly at 651-214-5057, or email her at [email protected].