Co-Mediation vs Mediation

civil mediation divorce mediation family mediation Apr 14, 2019
Co-Mediation vs Mediation

Mediation is defined as an intervention in which a neutral third party works with two parties to resolve differences or disputes between them. Mediation is ideal for resolving the difficult issues that need to be settled in a divorce, such as the division of a couple’s joint property, or the development of a parenting plan (also known as a custody agreement). Mediation generally involves one mediator who facilitates a positive and productive discussion that focuses on cooperation and compromise. The goal of mediation is to reach a settlement without having to go through the traditional court system. Co-mediation involves two or more mediators working together to help the two parties reach a settlement.

Deciding Between Mediation and Co-Mediation

Lesa Koski offers comprehensive mediation services to couples in the Woodbury, MN area. Mediation allows you and your soon to be ex-spouse maintain control of the decisions related to your divorce rather than putting those decisions in the hands of a judge. Deciding whether you should pursue mediation or co-mediation is a personal choice depending on your needs and your unique situation. In some cases, the multiple perspectives offered by co-mediation can help find creative solutions to problem and can help a couple look realistically at financial issues as well as child custody issues, which are two of the most difficult aspects of settling a divorce. Co-mediation brings multiple perspectives to difficult issues and uses the strengths of a team to solve important issues.

Lesa Koski is a trained and experienced mediator and can lead effective divorce mediation sessions herself and she can also participate in the mediation process as a co-mediator if needed. In either case, she uses her strong communication skills and ability to connect with and to establish trust with her clients. She works to empower her clients to find a way forward rather than focusing on all of the pain of the past. She has specific experience with divorce mediation as well as partnering with another mediator in co-mediation sessions.

Experienced Mediator to Help You Navigate Divorce

If you and your spouse agree on a single mediator to work through your issues or if you decide that you might benefit from the team approach offered by co-mediation, consider contacting Lesa Koski for assistance. She can help you navigate your divorce with less stress – both financial and emotional – so that you can move forward in the healthiest way possible. Call Lesa at 651-214-5057 for more information.