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Attorney for Divorce Mediation

divorce mediation family mediation mediated divorce Dec 13, 2018
Attorney for Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is a highly effective way to settle the terms of a divorce without costly litigation.  It gives you and your divorcing spouse the power to make the important decisions regarding your divorce in a way that works best for you and your family. The divorce mediation process takes less time than a court battle and costs significantly less, so it can reduce the overall stress of the process. One thing that you may not realize about the mediation process is that you and your spouse can still choose to have an attorney represent you in the mediation process as well. While it is not required, hiring an attorney for divorce mediation can help you achieve a favorable outcome. Lesa Koski is a family lawyer who can represent you during the mediation process if you decide that you need a lawyer.

Experienced Family Lawyer for Divorce Mediation

Lesa Koski is a family lawyer as well as a trained divorce mediator. She can only serve one role for you during your case, but her vast experience with the divorce mediation process puts her in an excellent position to help you navigate the process in one way or another. Lesa is an excellent communicator and uses this skill to help couples find ways to creatively solve the problems between them, and compromise for the good of the family.

Attorney for Divorce Mediation

As your attorney for divorce mediation, Lesa can help you develop a plan for dividing your joint property including your assets and debts.  She will help you develop a parenting plan (also known as a custody agreement) and help you negotiate child and/or spousal support. She can explain how Minnesota law applies in your case and your best path forward given your unique situation.  As your divorce mediation lawyer, Lesa can guide you through the entire legal process of mediation and then help you make sure that the legal agreement that you make with your divorcing spouse is filed appropriately with the court. When you enter into mediation, decisions are left up to you and your spouse, not your attorney and not the mediator, but you can get advice from attorneys or other experts (accountants, financial advisors, etc.).

Navigate your Divorce Successfully

If you have decided that you are going to settle your divorce using mediation but feel more comfortable hiring an attorney to help guide you through the process and ensure your best interests are protected, call Lesa Koski at 651-214-5057 or email [email protected].

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